
Visual Rhetoric10%
Oral Rhetoric10%
Professional Rhetoric 15%
Attendance & Professionalism15%


All ENGL 101 courses are portfolio-based.  The portfolio is the primary means for evaluating student work in the composition program at WSU because it honors both the processes and products of writing. Your portfolio will consist of a significantly revised cover letter, final research project, and two of your three shorter projects.  It must include at least 22 pages of revised work (any draft after the first) and demonstrate writing from sources.  Drafts of your cover letter count as revised work.

You will receive extensive feedback on your writing from both your peers and your instructor, but you will not receive grades on the drafts of your portfolio projects.  Every composition course at WSU uses this method of postponed grading in order to ensure that the focus of the course is on your writing and communication skills.  After I return the draft with my comments, you have the rest of the semester to revise your projects before submitting them for the portfolio.  The portfolio will be evaluated holistically at the end of the semester, and may be reviewed by other readers.  You must turn in every project in order to pass the course.  Each late draft will lower your final grade by 5%.  Save All Drafts!!  101 Policy states that I can refuse to accept a project for which you have no preliminary drafts.

Portfolio Evaluation Criteria

All students in ENGL 101 will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Critical thinking, reading, and writing (Meets Goals 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6*)
  • Rhetorical knowledge and awareness (Meets Goals 1, 2, 4, 5, 6*)
  • Information literacy (Meets Goal 3*)
  • Processes of writing (Meets Goals 1, 4, 5, & 6*)
  • Knowledge of conventions (Meets Goals 4 & 6*)

*Indicates which of the Six Learning Goals of the Baccalaureate are met by ENGL 101.

WSU Grading Standards

The grading for ENGL 101 follows WSU standards:
A: Outstanding achievement-awarded only for the highest accomplishment
B: Praiseworthy performance-above average in most respects
C: Satisfactory performance-work meets the standards for competency
D: Minimally passing-effort and achievement less than satisfactory.

Assignment of Grades

All grades will be assigned on a holistic basis (A, B, C, etc). However, when points are averaged to calculate final course grades, they may result in half grades (A-, B+, B-, etc.).


Midterm Grades

Due to the nature of the portfolio system which emphasizes process over product, students who are making satisfactory process in the class (i.e., turning in assignments on time, meeting basic assignment requirements, attending class regularly, etc.) will not receive a mid-term grade.  This policy has been approved with the Registrar’s Office and the Center for Career Development and Advising and applies to all sections of ENGL 101.  If for some reason you are not making satisfactory progress in the class, you may receive a grade of C- or below as a warning, and you are strongly encouraged to meet with your instructor.  If you belong to an organization that requires proof of satisfactory progress (not a grade) in writing, you may request that your instructor sign a Satisfactory Progress Form.  Forms are available at the Composition Website.