Projects (Spring 2015)

I. Design Project (15%)

Summary: Investigate the design properties of an object; propose a redesign of the object in the form of a short story or infomercial; reflect on your process. Details

II. Data Project (15%)

Summary: Design a database to classify items in a collection, such as music, film, or art. Details

III. Social Media Project (20%)

Summary: The goal of this social media project is to put a creative idea into action that brings people together. The project must be collaborative in nature, incorporating not only the ideas and contributions of the group members, but of campus strangers in the local community as well. Details

IV. Blogging (20%)

Summary: Each student will produce at least ten blog posts during the semester. Details

V. Reflection Letter (15%)

Write a formal letter addressed to your professor that highlights your achievements this semester. Include at least three images that illustrate your successes.

VI. Participation (15%)

Come to class everyday, on time, and prepared to interact with your classmates and with the assigned reading material. You may be counted as “absent” if you arrived to class unprepared. An attendance grade will be given based on the following number of absences: 0 (100 pts); 1-2 (95 pts), 3-4 (85 pts); 5-6 (75 pts); 7-8 (65 pts); 9+ (zero points)