Social Media Storytelling (Spring 2015)


The goal of this social media storytelling project is to use technology and face-to-face interaction to bring people together. The project must be collaborative in nature, incorporating not only the ideas and contributions of the group members, but of campus strangers in the local community as well.

You will work in groups of three to design an interactive project that promotes a positive sense of community and incorporates meaningful contributions from members in the community. Make a plan to collect at least 30 contributions (friends, acquaintances, campus strangers). Create a final digital artifact to showcase to the class.

Objectives & Outcomes

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience and purpose in your appeals for community participation.
Demonstrate ability to design and implement a large-scale creative project.
Develop process-oriented skills in your attention to (re)vision and self-documentation.
Demonstrate facility with multimodal forms of communication.
Learn to work effectively and creatively with co-collaborators.

Presentation I

  1. Introduce us to your project. Consider, for example, the problem, its significance, and your response. Describe your “why.”
  2. Create a plan for where, when, and how you will collect contributions. Set the stage for how you will persuade people to participate.
  3. Produce 5 samples of contributions (created by group members and close friends). Contributions may include and/or combine various forms of media, including photography, videography, sound, or digital art.
  4. Every contribution must include a storytelling / interview element.


  • All group members play a role in communicating the presentation to the class.
  • The presentation includes a digital visual aid, such as a slideshow, to present your project.
  • The presentation includes a minimum of 5 sample contributions.

Presentation II

  1. Provide context for your artifact: what was the purpose of your project? who were the contributors, generally speaking? how did you persuade campus strangers to participate? 
  2. Provide a discussion of your creative and collaborative process in terms of the course concepts we have explored.
  3. Showcase your digital artifact (video, poster, etc) and provide evidence of your process, which will include at least 30 sample contributions. (Remember: every contribution must include a storytelling / interview element.)


  • All group members play an important role in communicating the presentation to the class.
  • The presentation includes a well-developed digital artifact, such as a website, video, or digital poster, to present your project and discuss course concepts.
  • The project includes a minimum of 30 sample contributions, but highlights a core group of 5-7 of the most impactful examples in the presentation / digital artifact.
