Walk, Think, Create: Reflections on the Act of Walking and Its Impact on Creative Process

September 9, 2016 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Bundy Reading Room

walkthinkcreateKristin Becker, Instructor, Digital Technology & Culture
Kristin Becker will give a brief introduction to the current art exhibit in the Bundy, which features her prints and examples from Debbie Lee’s “Walk Think Create” class.

Debbie Lee, Professor of English (with Katherine Lipp)
Debbie Lee will discuss the Walk Think Create class, and reflect on recent travels in Iceland.

Kirk McAuley, Associate Professor of English
Reflecting upon his extensive travels in Scotland, Kirk McAuley will discuss literary scholarship afoot – the importance of walking as research vis-à-vis Robert Louis Stevenson.

Linda Russo, Clinical Associate Professor of English
Linda Russo will talk about her experience of walking locally as a form of cultivating imaginative, geographic, and biome knowledge in the writing of her recent book of poems, MEANING TO GO TO THE ORIGIN IN SOME WAY.