Professional Narratives


Over the course of the semester, you will work on producing three major deliverable items: a personal statement, a leadership project, and a digital portfolio. More importantly, you will develop the skills and the confidence to continually develop these items over the course of your career. In addition to producing these deliverables, you will be joining a community of committed and growing professionals, and develop the skills to network and communicate effectively in professional environments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop digital portfolios, application materials, networking tools, and interviewing skills that showcase professional character, experience, and potential;
  • Develop a professional ethos that is rooted in continuous growth, adaptation, and possibility, learning how to translate academic experience into marketable skills, while also focusing on long-term personal and professional goals;
  • Develop interpersonal and public speaking skills that communicate confidence, competence, and collegiality, through various speaking and performance activities.

Fall 2018 Calendar

All meetings take place on Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00pm in the Bundy Reading Room (111 Avery Hall)

Date Description Assignments Due
Aug 22 No meeting
Aug 29 Introduction

Guests: Anna Maria Cloud (BA English, 2017)
Darcy Malberg (BA English, 2017)
Katie Malberg (BA DTC, 2017)
Travis Bryant (BA English 2016, MA English 2017)

Sept 5 1. Bag Presentations


Passport students present their bag presentations.

“Select a bag that has meaning to you. Fill it with three items that represent you! The first item should represent something from your past, the second should relate to the present and the third should reveal something about your future. You will present the bag and the items to the class. Start by introducing yourself, telling us about your bag, and finally revealing the items and explaining in detail why they are significant to you. Be innovative with the items you chose. Use transitions to move from item to item and end with purpose. Tell us a story of you! Your presentation should be about 2-3 minutes. Be yourself and have fun!!”
Sep 12 2. Aspirational Biographies: Cultivating Your Inner Mentor
Guest: Mauricio Vicente Harris-Martija (BA DTC, 2017)
Sep 19 3. Workshop: Aspirational Biography

Guest: Kaitlin Ellsworth (BA English, 2017)

Create a vision of your ideal self, perhaps as you imagine yourself twenty years in the future. Some questions to consider as you imagine your future, aspirational self, include: Who are they? What do they look like? What is their name? What do they do everyday? What is hard for them? What are they remembered for? Try answering these questions in a freewrite, and then, in your submitted draft, present a 500-word biography of the person you aspire to be.


Draft a 1-page, single-spaced, printed draft of your aspirational biography

Sep 26 4. Cultural Diversity and Workplace Communication
Oct 3 5.   Leadership Projects: Vision-Building in the Humanities
1) Values;
2) Framework;
3) Skills
Oct 10



6.  Workshop: Leadership Project Bring a proposal for your leadership project. What kind of difference do you want to make in the world, and what kind of skills do you have to accomplish this goal? Create a project that exemplifies your calling. Identify the values at the core of your project, the tangible framework that you will build, and the skills you possess to carry out this vision.
Oct 17 7.  No meeting
Oct 24 8.  Digital Portfolios: Curating Your Personal Brand

Guest: Tihani Moore (BA DTC, 2017)

Bring your laptops and a draft of your current resume.
Oct 31 9.  PuzzleIQ Escape Room with Patty Cady
Nov 7 10. Workshop: Digital Portfolios
Bring a digital portrait of yourself (i.e. website, LinkedIn profile, Pinterest, etc)
Nov 14 11. Mock Interviews Bring a one-paragraph description of your ideal career opportunity.

Complete your faculty interview and email a one-page summary to Dr. Hunter.

Nov 21 Thanksgiving Week: No Meeting
Nov 28 12. Workshop: Final Projects


Bring a draft of your final presentation.
Dec 5 (Dead Week) 13. Presentations


Present your final project to the seminar.